【地底宝藏室】Scryer’s Vault by Neal Scryer(心灵中文翻译)

  • 【地底宝藏室】Scryer’s Vault by Neal Scryer(心灵中文翻译)
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  • 品牌:S.F.出品
  • 货号:5c6dacce9511
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  • 品牌:S.F.出品
  • 颜色分类:1111特别价原价老顾客友情价TopVIP






1、前言 by Richard Osterlind

2、Psychometry Outdone——名片,信封以及Reading的结合。



5、Svengali Automatic Writing——Neal风格的灵媒式自动书写流程。

6、Crystal Magical Svengali——水晶球与占卜与扑克。







13、Scryer’s Key-R-Rect Pateo——七把钥匙,一把锁,观众的选择至关重要……




17、Six Box Fortune——Neal最钟爱的随身效果之一……

18、Scryer’s Astrological Sign——Neal猜星座的方法。


20、PK Touch Peteo——你所能表演的最强隐形触碰效果之一。


22、Cellular Pendulum Pateo——Neal说这招就值回书价了,灵媒的“魔术”。


24、后记 by Banachek


· Reading系统

· 强选系统


S.F. 团队评测:

Neal Scryer!当今世界心灵魔术圈最神秘的男人,最有声望的灵媒+心灵师。无比低调。甚至他的有些朋友称他为“存在,又不存在”的男人……


来自Richard Osterlind的前言,来自Banachek的后记……(Neal这面子…)







啊对了,如果你喜欢灵媒式的表演风格的话,那我直接可以告诉你Neal Scryer是全世界非常著名的灵媒之一……所以他的效果的灵媒味是挺正宗的。


Here’s a little “inside”info on this project! We are getting a lot of inquires about the title of this book. The reason it is called The Vault is a about 60% of the content from this book was written prior to Neal’s ground breaking White and Black book. This content was never released and in effect was locked away “in the vault.” About a year ago, Neal started adding additional content, that is more frequent. In the end you have a mix of Pre-White & Black as well as contemporary contributions – thus the title is very appropriate.

Forward by Richard Osterlind – Afterward by Banachek – Scryer’s Vault – is the latest in the series of the successful Scryer/Webster books featuring exceptional routines and fine touches that will empower you as a performer and a reader.  The key to memorable encounters is “fine touches” and powerful routines.  This book continues in that tradition of providing you with just that and more!

Premonition Invisible Gifts: A presentation of gifts in a bag with an invisible deck guaranteed to get you future booking. Fit to perform as a stand alone effect for all types. Extremely strong and unforgettable.

Svengali Automatic Writing: Where the spirit comes in as you channel their card. An amazing presentation in automatic writing – their jaws will drop on this one. An extremely clever and again a stand alone piece fit for a king.

Imaginary Sea Shells: A journey and a reading at the same time. A masterpiece where the spectator hears their answers with make believe sea shells. This one is too strong to reveal – its one of Scryer’s coveted routines which he uses almost constantly. More then just meets the eye on this one enough said.

Rose Blessing and Reading: A reading and a blessing. A precious and extraordinary piece highly guarded and yet another favorite of Neal’s – this is one they will talk about.

Email Q&A: Never in reading history has anything like this been written. Yes Q&A Email is a powerful and worth the price of the book. It’s so cleverly constructed. Don’t want to tip to much as these are Scryer’s prize possessions as the title of the book speaks for itself

Answering Question With A Rose: Very powerful another one needs to be kept hush hush sorry guys.

Scryer’s Astrological Sign: As real as you can get (no pumping) a method never explained for first time were you are never wrong. This is as real as you can get with mind reading – a pure gem.

PK Touch Pateo: A very sneaky way of doing a PK touch. You will like it I think my devoted reader will understand this one – mums the word.

Two Color, Everyone But One Felt Nothing, Scryer’s Key-R-rect Pateo, Hot Seat, Invisible Mystical Ring, Six Box Fortune, Business Card Spirit Writing, The Hypnotized Stooge, Random Cell Phone Description, Dying To Come Up, Whole Audience Invisible Deck. Psychometry Outdone, Dressing Up The Stick Man, Crystal Magical Svengali, Favorite Food, Cell Pendulum Pateo

Testimonial:  The collective works of Neal Scryer was undoubtedly one of my strongest inspirations and in fact a strong motivation for me to finally release my forthcoming book titled:  Beyond Real Minds. I owe a debt of gratitude to Neal for re-engergizing the passion in my work.   – Oliver Ferguson
